Just updated your iPhone to iOS 18? You'll find a ton of hot new features for some of your most-used Apple apps. Dive in and see for yourself:
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How To: Shoot Day for Night
News: Lego Follow Focus DIY
News: Red One Basics
HowTo: Build Your Own DIY SuperMacro Lens
News: A Twisted Experiment in Ovine Geometry
News: New Motion Cheap Motion Timelapse Dolly
News: Amazing Commercial with Surprise Ending
News: Lacking Inspiration? Get a Light Boner
News: NAB 2010 - Redrock Micro iPhone Remote Insanity
News: The Role of a Gaffer
News: 8mm Film Burning & Melting - Art at its BEST!
The King's Speech (DP: Danny Cohen)
Animal Kingdom (DP: Adam Arkapaw)
How To: How the Best Amateur YouTube Stars Build, Light, and Shoot a Green Screen for Cheap
News: LEGO Cable Camera Rig
Shot on 7D: Ruins of Failaka Island, Kuwait
Music Video: Jesse Rose - Non-Stop
Shooting Street Cats in Kuwait: or why going digital was the right choice
News: "Tree of Life" Trailer = Take That, Summer Blockbuster (DP: Emmanuel Lubezki)
News: What's not to like about this? Red MX Sensor
News: Lego Follow Focus DIY
How To: Shoot Day for Night
How To: Add Motion to Timelapse Videos with Panolapse
How To: Get Muscles for the Movie Thor
How To: Fig Rig & Compact Lighting Packages
How To: The William F. Whites Toolbelt!
How To: How the Best Amateur YouTube Stars Build, Light, and Shoot a Green Screen for Cheap
News: 'Nirvana' Short Film
News: New Android App for Cinematography Tracks Sunlight
News: The perfect stocking stuffer - CineStar 3 Axis Gimbal
News: My Brother's keeper
Music Video: Everyday's a Holiday
Battlestations: Doritos Crash the Superbowl Entry from 2009
News: Can bad lawyer commercials turn out any good?
News: Oscar Cinematography compilations
News: Amazing Commercial with Surprise Ending
How To: Kessler Dolly and Basic Controller Tutorial
News: A Twisted Experiment in Ovine Geometry
News: Video of storm and a new day
News: Create a video for legendary rock band Senser, and win Magic Bullet Looks!
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